UC Committee Passes New Rule Regarding Booking Fees, Room Taxes, and Cleaning Fees


The UC Committee met recently to discuss the rise of cash booking fees on UC, and the handling of room taxes and cleaning fee charges.

Historically, in the U.S., room taxes and reasonable cleaning fees have customarily been paid in cash. However, the industry (& UC), have seen an increase in exchanges charging cash booking fees. As a result, the UC Committee felt it was imperative to clarify UC’s position on these matters, by adding a new section to the UC Rules & Regulations.

The new UC rule reads as follows:

8e. Cash or trade booking/processing fees for UC travel listings are not permitted. Cash for hotel taxes and/or reasonable cash cleaning fees that are paid directly to the property owner or management company for UC listings are permissible.

We hope this new UC rule will avoid any future confusion about booking fees, room taxes and cleaning fees for UC travel listings.

Thank you for your time and attention.