Another Great Year for UC!


In 2015 UC recorded over 11 million in annual trading for the second consecutive year.

With UC’s new customized software system, 2016 is expected to surpass 2015’s impressive numbers.

Patty Weston, UC’s International Broker observes, “People are really taking to the new software, its easy to use and posting listings couldn’t be simpler and quicker.”

Thank you to all our UC members for a fantastic year in 2015! We look forward to working with you all to help make 2016 the best year ever for UC!

If you have any questions whatsoever about the new software system, or UC in general, please contact Patty Weston at or at 407-951-6797.


Ron Whitney
UC Administrator & IRTA Executive Director

Patty Weston
UC International Broker & IRTA Project Manager